How can you support?
  • Join in as a member to keep in touch with various activities organised by the foundation.
  • Support various projects both monetary and in kinds.
  • Be more involve by sharing your time and skill.
  • Subscribe our English quarterly newsletter Yashodhara to keep in touch with us, subscribtion is US$ 12 annually


        Name����������..Family name��������������

       Address ����������������������������..

       Tel�����������.. e-mail ����������������..

       Would like to be partof the effort to establish bhikkhuni Sangha by sponsoring

(  ) foreign bhikkhunis for �Bhikkhuni in Residence� project ���$�����.
(  ) Buddhist women to attend a 3-month training program �����.$�����
(  ) dana for the monastics ����..$�����
(  ) requisites during the vassa ����$�����

Saving acc. No.114-2 02553-0 Chatsumarn Kabilsingh , The Siam Commercial Bank company limited, Thaprachan sub-branch
                English Version Newsletter for sample click here

Songdhammakalyani  Temple
195 Petkasem Highway
Muang District, Nakhonpathom
Thailand 73000
Tel.& Fax.  66 034 284 315
   [email protected]