Globalization is a monstrous dark cloud hovering on us, pressing us to do nothing else but to consume, not for our own benefit, but for the benefit of the capitalists.
Is there an alternative lifestyle which one can find in order that one can live yet a meaningful life?
        This 3-day meditation training is offered just to answer to this quest. There will be a training of the body, mind and engaged worldview with a touch of empowerment for women.
Training of the mind. Meditation practice will be designed to be able to able to cope with sleeplessness, to heal one's self, to strengthen one's self from fear, anxiety and insecurity.
Training of the body. Training of the body will be an integration of basic yoga, Ch'I Kong, and foot massage. Purification of the body with an intake of vegetarian diet. 
Towards the well being of society. With the combination of the training and balancing of the mind and the body, one will also be participating in a group action, discussions on how to engage oneself for the benefit of others.
Date : Dec.26-28,2003
Venue: Songdhammakalyani Temple, on Petkasem Hwy, km 52-53, Nakhonpathom.
Contact : Ven.Dhammananda (Dr Chatsumarn Kabilsingh)
                       [email protected] , [email protected] 
                       Tel.034 284 315, 034 258 270
        Registration fee B3000 (covers simple accommodation with 2 vegetarian meals a day with light snack in the evening.
        Limited number of participants, max.15 persons. Book early.

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