Deadline for Proposals : January 15,2004 Deadline for Papers : March 15,2004 The International Planning Committee invites proposals for panel presentations at the 8th Sakya-dhita International Conference on Buddhist Women to be held in Seoul, Korea, from June 27 to July 2, 2004. Panels will consist of four 15-minute presen-tations in English, with simultaneous translation into Korean and other languages. The four panel pres-entations will be followed by a 30-minute question and answer session. Tentative topics for presenta-tions appear below. Proposals should include: * An abstract of 500 words * Biodata of speaker, including : Name Affilation Position Address Phone Number (s) Fax Number Email Address Proposals must be submitted by January15,2004. The proposals will be evaluated by theplanning committee and notification will be senton February 1. Planning committee members willorganize the accepted proposals into panels ofpapers on related topics. Abstracts of acceptedproposals will be published on the Sakyadhita web-site and print copies will be included in conference registration packets. Papers of 8-10 pages (double-spaced) must be submitted by March 15 and willbe translated into Korean and other languages tobe included in the conference registration packets.In case papers are compiled for publication follow-ing the conference, speakers will have the opportunity to revise and expand their papers. Submit proposals in the body of an email message to : [email protected] or by post to : Karma Lekshe Tsomo, Theology & Religious Studies, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110-2492, U.S.A. TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION The theme of the 8th Sakyadhita Conferenceis "Discipline and Practice of Buddhist Women :Present and Past." Tentative topics for discussion include : Meditation Practices "Shamatha and Vipas-sana in the Buddhist Traditions," "Buddhist Meditation Practices : Asia and the West," "Practices for Developing Loving Kindness and Compassion," "Mindfulness in Daily Living," "Meditation and Work," "Combining ReligiousPractices, Combining Buddhist Practices," "Practical Meditation Techniques," "Meditation on Emptiness." Everyday Practice "Ritual Practices," "Devo-tional Practices," "Practice of the Precepts : Lay and Monastic," "Food of Dharma : Rituals at Meals and in the Kitchen," "Rituals of the Robes," "Dharma in Everyday Life," "Dharma in Relationships." Discipline, Education and Training "Teaching Dharma to Children," "The Education and Training of Laywomen and Nuns," "Buddhist Women and Discipline : Transitions," "Historical Spread ofBuddhism Throughout the World." Engaged Buddhist Practice "Buddhist Res-ponses to Social and Political Realities (Abortion,Death Penalty, Burma, Tibet, etc.)," "BuddhistApproaches to Conflict Resolution," "InterfaithUnderstanding, Inter-Buddhist Understandng," "Trafficking in Women and Children : What Can Buddhists Do? (e.g., "Learning from Korea's Ex-perience of "Comfort Women")," "NGOs : Organizing for Social Change," "Buddhist Theories of Interdependence and the Environment" Buddhist Practice and Women's Issues "Buddhist Liberation, Women's Liberation," "Is an Egalitarian Buddhism Possible?" Buddhism and Women's Health," "Feminist Interpretations ofBuddhist Doctrine," "Can Women Become Enlight-ened? How Do We Do It?" Buddhism Today "Multimedia Opportunities," "Buddhist Practice in Uncertain Times (International Security, Nuclear Danger, Global Economics, etc.)," "Contemporary Buddhist Practices," "Buddhist Prac-tice Today : Tradition and Adaptation" Contact : Ven. Karma Lekshe Tsomo <[email protected]> |
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