How can you support?

  • Join in as a member to keep in touch with various activities organised by the foundation.
  • Support various projects both monetary and in kinds.
  • Be more involve by sharing your time and skill.


Name����������..Family name��������������

Address ����������������������������..

Tel�����������.. e-mail ����������������..

        I would like to become member of the foundation, enclosed is my payment annually (Baht 100)��������.. life member (Baht 1,000)���������.

         Would like to be partof the effort to establish bhikkhuni Sangha by sponsoring

        (  ) foreign bhikkhunis for �Bhikkhuni in Residence� project ���$�����.
(  ) Buddhist women to attend a 3-month training program �����.$�����
(  ) dana for the monastics ����..$�����
(  ) requisites during the vassa ����$�����

          Kindly send money order/ cheque to Venerable Chatsumarn Kabilsingh, P.O. Box 108 Nakhornpathom 73000, Thailand.
Saving acc. No.114-2 02553-0 Chatsumarn Kabilsingh , The Siam Commercial Bank company limited, Thaprachan sub-branch

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 Songdhammakalyani  Temple  195 Petkasem Highway Muang District, Nakhonpathom Thailand 73000
Tel.& Fax.  660 3428 4315   E- mail :
[email protected]
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