newsletter on international buddhist woman's activities |
According to the Vinaya, a newly ordained bhikkhuni must stay with her precep or for minimum 5 years. With respect to the Vinaya, this program proposes a bhikkhuni Sangha in Residence in Thailand to help establish a bhikkhuni Sangha in this country. After Ven. Dhammananda's fully ordination which is now planned for March 2003, bhikkhunis will be invited from Sri Lanka and Indonesia. The will stay together at Wat Songdhammakalyaani during each vassa (July-Oct.) For 5 years. The Thai bhikkhuni will benefit from Sri Lankan bhikkunis by receiving ritual training and proper bikkhuni lifestyle from the senior Sri Lankan bhikkhunis whereas the Sri Lankan bhikkhunis will practice and improve their English proficiency. While the Indonesian bhikkhuni will similarly learn and pracitice English and dhamma study. The Thai community will benefit from witnessing and supporting the first bhikkhuni sangha in Thailand. During the vassa, training courses will be planned and conducted for Thai women on the one hand, and for the internal bhikkhunis on the other hand. There is a good chance for the interested Thai women to apply for the lower ordination which can be arranged on a yearly basis while the bhikkhunis are in residence just prior to each vass. With such plan the benefit will be manifold. Objectives 1. To have a bhikkhuni sangha in residence for minimum 5 years, 2. To train the bhikkhunis in residence in dhama vinaya, 3. To train the bhikkhunis to give dhamma talks, meditation, and other social services, 4. To teach English to the younger bhikkhunis and other Thai women who are not yet fluent in the language. 5. To provide an opportunit for the Thai prople to come and practice with the bhinnhuni Sangha, 6. To provide an opportunity for internaitonal women to receive lower ordination in Theravada tradition. |
195 Petkasem Highway
Muang District, Nakhonpathom
Thailand 73000 |