newsletter on international buddhist woman's activities |
The board of Sena-tors (upper house) set up a sub-committee led by Senator Rabiebrat Pongpanit to work on fact finding on thepossibility of re-establishing bhikkhuni Orderin Thailand. The study group spent 6 months,recording, interviewing, researching, on the topic and came up with a draft on
"Bhikkhuni" to be distributed to the public for a better understanding on the topic. The conclusion of the report expressed a support for the revival of bhikkhuni Order, and stated that it is correct and can beaccepted according to the
Dhammavinaya. March 11,2003 Mrs.Rabiebrat reportedher study for an hour in one of the meeting halls within the parliament compound before opening the floor to hear feedback with comments and questions for clarification. The session was on air from 2pm-4.30 pm. It is to be noted also that on March 8, 2003, an internatio-nal women's day, Mrs Rabiebrat, the senator, was awarded by World Fellowship of Buddhists for her tireless work in supporting women and educating the public onbhikkhuni issue. Ven.Bhikkhuni Dhammananda was alsoinvited by the senator to witness the presentation of the report. The hall was full, majoritywho spoke from the audience were supportiveof the issue and trusted the validity of theresearch done by the panel of the senatorialsub-committee. |
195 Petkasem Highway
Muang District, Nakhonpathom
Thailand 73000 |