Yasodhara newsletter on international buddhist woman's activities 
Vol.20 (no.75) April-June, B.E. 2546 (2003)

Robert Beatty and his groupvisited our temple on Jan. 22 2003and entertrained us withtheir corus before lunch.Dhamma exchange was appreciated.A lap-top computer was donatedfor a better mobility.

Prof. John Buttfrom Payab Unervisityled a group of ministers to sharewith us our common concernon religious & social problemsJan 16, 2003.

Prof. Jeanne MatthewsSummer came witha group of studentsfrom Warren Wilson College.Khun Sanitsuda from Bangkok Post,Achaan Parichart Suwannabuppafrom Mahidol U.were among the panelistsfor an enlightened sessionon Buddhism in Thailand.

Jan 19,2003the Venerable Samaneri Sudhamma(from W. verginia)attended our Sunday servicewhere she gave an interestingdhamma talk on loving kindnessto a group of studentsfrom Khonkhan U., Thailand.

Manual work is a great equalizerfor our community,The Venerable Suddhamma, even as a nunalso lend a hand.

Jan 2003 we needed more soilin the southern side of the garden.The young trees were taken out temporarity and re-planted them backonce the right level of soil was done.

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