newsletter on international buddhist woman's activities |
Robert Beatty and his groupvisited our temple on Jan. 22 2003and entertrained us withtheir corus before lunch.Dhamma exchange was appreciated.A lap-top computer was donatedfor a better mobility. |
Prof. John Buttfrom Payab Unervisityled a group of ministers to sharewith us our common concernon religious & social problemsJan 16, 2003. |
Prof. Jeanne MatthewsSummer came witha group of studentsfrom Warren Wilson College.Khun Sanitsuda from Bangkok Post,Achaan Parichart Suwannabuppafrom Mahidol U.were among the panelistsfor an enlightened sessionon Buddhism in Thailand. |
Jan 19,2003the Venerable Samaneri Sudhamma(from W. verginia)attended our Sunday servicewhere she gave an interestingdhamma talk on loving kindnessto a group of studentsfrom Khonkhan U., Thailand. |
Manual work is a great equalizerfor our community,The Venerable Suddhamma, even as a nunalso lend a hand. |
Jan 2003 we needed more soilin the southern side of the garden.The young trees were taken out temporarity and re-planted them backonce the right level of soil was done. |
195 Petkasem Highway
Muang District, Nakhonpathom
Thailand 73000 |