Yasodhara newsletter on international buddhist woman's activitiws 
Vol.17 no.3(no.72) July-August,B.E. 2545 (2002)


On March 6,2002, Ven, Maha Bodhidhammacaraya Mahatheri (Bhikkhuni Vormai Kabilsingh) was honoured with a recognition on the United Nations Inernational Women's day as the bravest woman in the pursuit of Higher ordination for women. Modhana Sadhu, Sadhu.

Ven. Dhammananda gretted Ven. Mother, Maha Bodhidhammacaraya Mahatheri on her 94th birthday, April 6,2002.

The girls enjoyed the stories of the Buddhist female saints in the Dhamma garden.

Prof. Ted Myer and a group of American students with Ven. Dhammananda after her talk on the role of Buddhist women in Buddhism.

The three new residents received warm welcome at the temple. Left to right : Ms. Wadi, Ms. Napaporn, Ms. Nantthaporn.


Songdhammakalyani  Temple
195 Petkasem Highway
Muang District, Nakhonpathom
Thailand 73000
Tel.& Fax.  66 034 284 315
   [email protected]