Yasodhara newsletter on international buddhist women's activities   

(no.77) September--Noverber, B.E. 2546 (2003)

yasodhara (no.77)   September--Noverber,  B.E. 2546 (2003)

Ven.Bhikkhuni Voramai Kabilsingh passes away.
Thailand's first bhikkhuni devoted her life to dhamma
Ven.Mother Breathed her Last.
My mother....the Bhikkhuni.
A letter
After all... I am a Durian.
Completion of the Renovated Building
Cremation of Ven.Bhikkhuni Voramai Kabilsingh
Ven.Grandma left her body
Living with a teacher
8th Sakyadhita International
Conference on Buddhist Women
"Bhikkhunis in Residence",a 3-month training course for bhikkhunis in Theravada tradition

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